Data Warehouse

Welcome to the data warehouse viewing platform for CherryLand Banking. Explore the vast repository of data stored within our warehouse through interactive tables below. Gain deep insights, track historical trends, and make data-driven decisions effortlessly. Dive into the extensive financial data of CherryLand Banking's branches consolidated in one centralized location.

Account Type Account Type Name
1 Savings
2 Chequing
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Account ID Source Branch Account Type Date Opened
1 1 1 2024-03-27
1 1 2 2024-04-03
1 2 1 2024-04-02
1 2 2 2024-04-03
2 1 2 2024-04-03
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Client ID Source Branch Name Address Email DOB
1 1 Nathan Cherry 401 Sunset Ave 2000-05-25
1 2 Sarah Johnson 987 Cedar St 1989-09-18
2 2 David Lee 741 Birch St 1975-06-30
3 2 Michelle White 852 Walnut St 1992-04-12
4 2 Robert Taylor 369 Pineapple St 1980-11-08
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Source Branch Source Name
1 North Branch
2 South Branch
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Time Key Hour Day Month Year
20240405123852 12 5 4 2024
20240406110804 11 6 4 2024
20240406111624 11 6 4 2024
20240406135021 13 6 4 2024
20240406163031 16 6 4 2024
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Client ID Account ID Account Type Time Key Source Branch Trans Type Amount
1 1 1 20240406111624 1 dep 150
1 1 1 20240406163124 2 wd 75
1 1 1 20240406163148 2 dep 500
1 1 1 20240409102358 2 dep 100
1 3 1 20240405123852 1 dep 75
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