North Branch (Source DB1)

Welcome to the data viewing portal for CherryLand Banking's North Branch. Explore the wealth of information housed within our database through a series of interactive tables below. Gain insights, track trends, and make informed decisions effortlessly. Dive into the financial heartbeat of CherryLand Banking's North Branch right at your fingertips.

Member ID Name Address Contact Info DOB
1 Nathan Cherry 401 Sunset Ave 2000-05-25
3 Joe Blow 1234 Address Street 2024-04-02
4 Alexander Montgomery 123 Main Street 1990-05-15
5 Isabella Rodriguez 456 Elm Avenue 1988-10-20
6 Benjamin Hayes 789 Oak Street 1995-03-08
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Account ID Member ID Balance Status Date Opened
1 11 768 Active 2024-04-03
2 13 400 Active 2024-04-03
3 3 8886 Active 2024-04-01
4 7 567 Active 2024-03-12
5 12 51436 Active 2024-03-09
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Account ID Member ID Balance Interest Rate Status Date Opened
1 1 999750 0.02 Active 2024-03-27
3 1 1049500 0.02 Active 2024-04-05
4 19 4999 0.04 Active 2024-04-09
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ID Account ID Trans Type Amount Timestamp
1 3 dep 75 2024-04-05 12:38:52
2 3 wd 75 2024-04-06 11:08:04
3 1 dep 150 2024-04-06 11:16:24
5 3 wd 500 2024-04-09 10:12:17
6 3 dep 50000 2024-04-09 10:12:42
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ID Account ID Trans Type Amount Timestamp
5 1 wd 50 2024-04-06 13:50:21
6 2 dep 150 2024-04-06 13:50:21
7 4 wd 50 2024-04-06 13:50:21
9 6 wd 25 2024-04-06 13:50:21
11 1 dep 512 2024-04-09 10:16:39
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